Offset Carbon To Restore Nature

NextSmartShip Logo


Eco Cart Logo


Metric tons of Carbon
Dioxide compensated


Number of trees needed for
  equivalent annual absorption

Carbon Offset projects with EcoCart


70,000 hectares

Project Type

Rainforest Protection


105,000 hectares

Project Type

Rainforest Protection

NextSmartShip commits in its effort for a carbon-neutral future. By collaborating with EcoCart, a sustainability solution on a mission to reduce the carbon footprint of commerce to zero, NextSmartShip is funding the offsetting of 500 tons of carbon to reduce a portion of your shipment emissions in 2022.

We will help you fund rainforest conservation projects that counteract your negative environmental impact when you use NextSmartShip fulfillment services.

Time To ECOmmerce

How to make your ecommerce business greener?
 Below is what NextSmartShip is doing, and we hope it’s helpful for you!

Go Green Awareness

You can build a green image for your staff and your customers to encourage them to pay more attention to the environment.

NextSmartShip has a Green Guardian Badge for everyone to share, and spread awareness to- wards a greener planet!

No matter how small your step is, your green action matters.

Green Warrior Badge

Go Green Office

Go Green Office

Create a green office with eco-friendly facili-ties to improve energy efficiency and reduce pollution.

At NextSmartShip, we have a sustainability team that constantly optimizes the work environment in search of a greener space for our staff.

Namely, free vegan lunch every Friday, paper reuse, and waste clarification.

Go Green Products/Services

From manufacture to sales, try your best to make your production ecological. Nowadays, customers prefer a brand that can provide green products or services.

For example, package waste is a big issue in the ecommerce industry.

NextSmartShip has the “PackGreen” option to help you pack your items with com- postable materials.

Go Green Products/Services

Greener Corporate Responsibility

Greener Corporate Responsibility

There are many different actions for you to
self-regulate and be socially accountable to
your customers, stakeholders, and the world at large.

NextSmartShip will try its best to move for-
ward towards ECOmmerce.

The partners who have joined our carbon offset

Carbon Offset Certificate

NextSmartShip Carbon Offset Certificate

Where are the rainforest projects that we fund?
Can you find them

[imh_6310_image_map id="1"]

Frequently Asked Questions

What on Earth is a carbon offset?

Carbon offset is a practical and effective way to reduce the effects of climate change by funding renewable energy, forestry, or clean water projects. These projects reduce carbon dioxide emissions or other greenhouse gases to compensate for emissions made elsewhere, like the emissions created from shipping online orders.

Why does NextSmartShip focus on rainforests?

Rainforests carbon offsetting is the most cost-effective way to remove carbon. They absorb vast amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) from Earth’s atmosphere, making them crucial for mitigating climate change. Without their critical function, we will never halt climate change.

Are your projects certified by a third party?

The EcoCart community supports rigorously vetted projects, certified by internationally recognized standards, nd hand-selected by industry experts. Each project is triple-verified to maximize positive impacts on both the planet and the local communities where our projects are held.